Secure a brighter future
If you’re looking to develop new skills, a host of training opportunities are on offer across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
Whether you’re keen to gain a new qualification or brush up on existing skills, training can pave the way to employment and kick-start a new career that’ll provide regular income to help maintain a tenancy.
Scroll down to find the right employment skills, digital skills, practical training and life skills courses available near you.
Find the right course for you
Employment skills
Spear Programme Bournemouth
Open to 16-24 year-olds, training over 4-6 weeks includes interview preparation, cover letter advice, presentation skills, confidence and mindset. Call 07541 644682, email hello@spearbournemouth.org or click here.
Community Connect Tuesdays (Digital Skills Hub)
Bringing together groups who provide free advice on work and personal topics, including finding a job, connecting with employers and job interview tips, as well as confidence-boosting workshops. Email info@digitalskillshub.org.uk or click here.
Skills For Work (BCHA Learn)
Learn how to get that job! This five-week course will boost self-esteem, confidence and help learners to improve interview techniques. Learn how to identify your strengths and set yourself goals while gaining a qualification. To find out more click here.
COAST Supported Employment (Tricuro)
COAST helps people in Poole who have ill health or have a disability to find and keep jobs – or take on voluntary work to gain experience. Call 01202 797841, email poole.coast@tricuro.co.uk or click here.

Practical skills & training
City & Guilds Level 1 & 2 in Horticulture (BCHA Learn)
Open to anyone aged 19 and over in Dorset, accredited practical horticulture courses are held at BCHA’s thriving New Leaf Allotment in Throop. Each session helps learners to develop skills needed for a flourishing green-fingered career. Click here to find out more.
Carpentry Workshop (Faithworks Arch)
Professionals teach carpentry skills using machine and hand tools to craft wooden goods. It’s a vibrant, positive environment for learning, discussion and bonding. Call 07549 351203, email workshop@faith-works.org.uk or click here.
At your service (BCHA Learn)
Learn how to cook with an Italian chef, make great coffee and you’ll gain a certificate for food safety and hygiene. An ideal route to working in restaurants, cafes, pubs or coffee shops. Call 01202 410595, email bchalearn@bcha.org.uk or click here.

Life skills development
The Kitchen Project (Tricuro)
Adults with learning disabilities help to make and serve lunch for Kings Park Academy in Boscombe. Hone skills in food preparation, keeping kitchens clean, setting up the dining area and working with others. Call 01202 727963 or click here.
Cooking on a budget (BCHA Learn)
Feeling the pinch from the cost-of-living crisis? Learn the art of batch cooking and how to make delicious food that won’t cost a fortune. After just three sessions you’ll feel confident cooking for yourself, family and friends. Call 01202 410595, email bchalearn@bcha.org.uk or click here.
HOPE (Help & Care)
HOPE is a programme that supports people with long-term health conditions. It’s focused on building confidence and managing physical and mental health challenges, for improved overall well-being. Call 0300 111 3303, email hope@helpandcare.org.uk or click here.
All Being Well (BCHA Learn)
A six-week wellbeing course that helps learners to improve their wellbeing, physical and mental health; manage and prevent stress and build confidence. The course focuses on living a healthy lifestyle and making money stretch further. Call 01202 410595, email bchalearn@bcha.org.uk or click here.

Digital & business skills
BCP Tech Buddies
Tech Buddies in libraries help people use computers, tablets or smart phones, offering advice about getting online and going digital. Sessions are available in libraries across BCP. Click here for details.
Digital Life Skills (BCHA Learn)
New to computers? BCHA’s 10-week IT course is perfect for anyone who is keen to develop digital skills. It covers all the basics, using email and the internet, word processing and keeping finances secure online. Call 01202 410595, email bchalearn@bcha.org.uk or click here.
Digital Edge (Catch22)
Digital Edge, delivered by Catch22 and Microsoft, helps people aged 18+ to find work in the world of technology, such as apprenticeships and entry-level jobs. Call 07789 772 021, email catch22digital@catch-22.org.uk or click here.
Digital Skills Hub
Whether you’re a local resident, work alone or own a small business, visit the Hub to find out more about current digital courses and workshops. Email info@digitalskillshub.org.uk or click here.
Ability Net (Free IT support at home)
Friendly technology volunteers provide free IT support to older people and people with disabilities of any age, anywhere in the UK. Set up new equipment, fix tech issues, stay connected to family and much more. Find out more by clicking here.